Age is just a number. You can get healthy and fit. But first you must BELIEVE!

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Everything in moderation. Even moderation.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heading for Sunshine....

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As I heal from my Achilles Tendon surgery.....these two posters inspire me to dig deep down and not let the current immobility get me down. There's a brighter day at the end of the tunnel and I will be back in the gym, back on the walking/running path, working at getting fit and healthy again. The sun is going down on day 11....when twice as much time has past, I will be 22 days closer to being able to work out...Exercise is the only drug I know of that (if you want to get healthy and fit) you hope you get addicted to again.  Look out gym mates....When the doc says OK....get out of my will feel the sweat flying off of me!!! Even if it takes a year to get there ....I'm heading for sunshine!

The next year will come and go anyway, so you might as well do the right thing and workout!

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