Did you think I had dropped off the face of the earth?
I can certainly understand why you might think that. It's been way way too long since I posted (8 months to be exact) and oh so much has happened since then.
We took a road trip to Florida in July, 2016 just to look around, ended up in Ocala, Florida (horse country, smack in the middle of the state) and decided we'd take a leap and move there. We figured we'd be closer to our girls in Maine, closer to our friends in Florida, and what the heck....closer to Mickey an Minnie!!! But still a short 2-hour non-stop flight back to visit sweet family in Texas and an even closer flight to see my son and daughter-in-law in Louisiana.
We found a home in a gated active adult community, went back to Texas, put our house on the market, started the tedious task of packing, sold our home and ventured out to our new home in Florida. We started this process in July and were finally here the end of September......but didn't get fully settled in until after the first of the year! Well I don't have to tell you (or maybe I do) that with all the selling, packing, traveling, unpacking, furnishing, making new curtains, dealing with illness that hit us both after we got here, getting settled in, then the holidays.......(OK those were the excuses!) I had very little time to go to the gym or workout and my healthy eating basically went down the tube. I hate to admit it, but, as we say in Texas, "boy hidy" I fell off the wagon big time. Heck, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I fell into a vat of biscuits and sausage gravy and wallowed around in it like I'd lost my ever lovin' mind! And I don't have to tell you, if you don't eat healthy and don't exercise for 4-5 months all that hard work you did prior to your fall pretty much goes out the window....and that little dress I got into in May.....is in my closet crying under the plastic cover I have over the hanger....and me along with it!
But that is not the end of this post...oh no....say it isn't so! I sat myself down, took myself by the shoulders and shook myself and in the famous words of Cher, in the movie Moon Struck, I said (to myself) "SNAP OUT OF IT". I did it before, I can do it again.
So I joined a gym, hopped back on that horse, got me some great DVDs for home workouts and I am happy to say.....
Oh my friends, I have a ton (ugh no pun intended) of work to do to get back to where I was, but I will do it....and if you don't mind, I'll take you on my journey.
Moving to Florida has been stressful on me for some reason (and I'm a stress eater), I've moved a billion times before (OK maybe not a billion), but lots...so you'd think this would have been a breeze. But it wasn't. I'm finally chilling out and starting to enjoy life here and I have to say a lot of it is the wonderful gym and the people there that have boosted me back up on the horse....
So that's where I've been, and this is where I am. I know the climb up the mountain will be slow and tedious. But as Earnestine Shepherd (80 years old and in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest woman body builder) always says (and has printed on all her workout clothes) you have to be DETERMINED, DEDICATED AND DICIPLINED. And that is my goal for 2017. And as my friend Stephanie Kathmann (Beachbody online coach) always asks "HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?
There is a lot of room on my wagon.....If you want to join me in this continuing journey.....jump on board.....it's game time!!!
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