Age is just a number. You can get healthy and fit. But first you must BELIEVE!

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Everything in moderation. Even moderation.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

12 down 8 to go.....

It's's true  12 down and 8 to go.  I am really on the down hill slide now.  Now that the holidays are behind us, next week will be a full week of treatments and then at this time next week, I'll be down to 3 treatments left.  Can I hear a WOOOO HOOO! Yes sireee !

I am beginning to feel a little bit of burning.  They told me this would happen...a bit of a feeling like I laid too long on the French Riviera at a topless beach...

Ha Ha....yeh that would be me!  NOT!

But it hasn't been too too bad. Right now it's tolerable.

If you're able to see the time of this posting and you're wondering what the heck I'm doing up at 3:43 in the early early morning....well I had a little snack too late right before I went to bed and that is always a big no no (for most anyone), but especially for me.  I know better!  Wonder why that is ...that we eat things we know won't settle well and swear we'll never do that again.....and then do it again anyway?  How crazy is that?  I woke up and my stomach was a little topsy turvy..... so I turned to my "tried and true" cure for that upset stomach feeling.  I take a little Dixie cup and put about 10-12 shakes of Tabasco in it and fill it with water and drink it down.  Best cure ever!  Honest. Then I sit up for a bit and let the Tabasco do it's thing...which is to bring all the blood to the stomach area....stir up the enzymes and help with the digestion.  It's the Capsazin in the Tabasco. It truly works every single time.  There are lots of things Tobasco will do....did you know that if you get bitten by fire ants (we have those big time here in Texas) and you put Tabasco on the bite right away, you will never get the blister that you normally get from the bite....another honest!  If you have a sore muscle, rub a little Tabasco on it and the next morning you will wake up with no soreness...........just remember to take a good (not too hot) shower before you go out...especially if the sun is out and it's warm outside...because when the sun hits the Tabasco, you will feel it...Yikes!

OK now that you all think I am a voodoo woman, and now that my stomach is feeling much better, I think I will  try to go back to bed and get some sleep

                                                                           Good night....morning???

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